janice kai chen


i designed a printed circuit board and soldered LEDs that tell me where i can go find clams (yom)

updates daily with tide and water toxicity data

i talked about it at a conference...here it is on youtube.com
map with LED lights shining through it. each LED represents a beach where you can go clamming. the LEDs are colored red, yellow, and green to communicate the ability to clam on the corresponding beach close up of map the printed circuit board that powers the LEDs, connected to a raspberry pi, a battery pack, and a switch close up of the printed circuit board, showing surface mount LEDs soldered in place


i built a skin-on-frame kayak

skin: ballistic nylon; frame: pine, cedar, ash

map with LED lights shining through it. each LED represents a beach where you can go clamming. the LEDs are colored red, yellow, and green to communicate the ability to clam on the corresponding beach close up of map the printed circuit board that powers the LEDs, connected to a raspberry pi, a battery pack, and a switch

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